Trash, Recycling, Composting Services Continue at Harrison, Gold Coast and Agromin, Amid COVID-19 Crisis
VENTURA, California – With the health and safety of employees, customers and communities of utmost importance, E.J. Harrison & Sons and its partners at Gold Coast Recycling and Agromin are closely following the guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and all relevant federal, state and local agencies to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Operations at all facilities are generally continuing unabated. The only significant change affecting customers is at Gold Coast, where the Buy-Back Center at its Colt Street facility in Ventura has been closed until further notice, to protect the safety of customers and employees. Residential and commercial recycling continues as usual.
At Harrison, “we do not anticipate having to change our normal trash-collection operations,” said Contracts Manager Dan Harrison. “We are monitoring the situation closely and if the need arises, we will adapt our operations. We will update the public immediately if we believe any significant changes are required.”
At Gold Coast, “our operation is in full working order,” said General Manager George Harrison. “We’re aided greatly by the recent systems upgrade, particularly to the picking line, where employees can easily stand six feet apart and all employees wear protective gloves and masks.”
At Agromin, “we do not anticipate having any changes to our normal operations,” said CEO Bill Camarillo. “Our facility is open for business based on the guidelines from local government and health officials. We will continue to monitor the situation and email updates as necessary.”
“We are grateful for your continued support,” Camarillo said. “Please take care of one another. Stay safe and healthy.”
Thanking all of the companies’ customers, Harrison spokeswoman Nan Drake said: “We appreciate your understanding at this unique and challenging time. We will continue to provide the essential solid waste and recycle services we have committed to perform. As always, we will operate under our company motto that Service is Everything.”
For additional information, visit the companies’ websites, at, and